secretary general and duties of the society of preventive psychiatry καθήκοντα γενικού γραμματέα εταιρείας προληπτικής ψυχιατρικής

The Secretary General of the Society of Preventive Psychiatry ensures the good functioning of the Society’s office and for the due holding of meetings of the Society’s Administrative Board and General Assembly

The Secretary General of the Society of Preventive Psychiatry ensures the good functioning of the Society’s office and for the due holding of meetings of the Society’s Administrative Board and General Assembly. For these meetings the Secretary General of the Society of Preventive Psychiatry sets the agenda and keeps the minutes. Moreover, the Secretary General is responsible for the seal, mail and record keeping as well as for the registry of incoming and outgoing documents. When the Secretary General is absent or obstructed, s/he is to be replaced by another member of the Administrative Board of the Society of Preventive Psychiatry, specifically selected by the Administrative Board.