chairperson and duties of the society of preventive psychiatry καθήκοντα προέδρου εταιρείας προληπτικής ψυχιατρικής

The Chairperson represents the Society of Preventive Psychiatry before all authorities, administrative and / or judicial and also represents the Society of Preventive Psychiatry in its relations with other legal or physical entities.

The Chairperson represents the Society of Preventive Psychiatry before all authorities, administrative and / or judicial and also represents the Society of Preventive Psychiatry in its relations with other legal or physical entities. The Chairperson appoints at his/her own free will the Society’s lawyers or other representatives and bestows upon them a specific mandate. The Chairperson convenes the Administrative Board and chairs the meetings, is responsible for the legal procedure of the deliberations, holds the vote for the points of the agenda and signs all documents together with the Secretary and all orders of payment together with the Treasurer. If the Chairperson is absent or obstructed, s/he is to be replaced in their duties by the Secretary General whereas, if the Chairperson withdraws, the Administrative Board elects a new Chairperson among its members. The Chairperson monitors the Society’s function and supervises the execution of decisions of the Administrative Board.