January 2016
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that we present to you the website of the Society of Preventive Psychiatry (WFMH member). Through it we will be able to establish a channel of communication with our membership that is essential for the good functioning of our society. We look forward to the active participation of all of you. Warm thanks to Electra Christodoulou, our webmaster, who has designed the logo and artistic website of the Society of Preventive Psychiatry.
The Congress of Preventive Psychiatry, organized by the Society of Preventive Psychiatry in November 2015 was a great success. Details and photographic material can be found in this section (3rd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON PREVENTIVE PSYCHIATRY).
We look forward, as always, to the active participation of our membership. The Executive Committee of the Society of Preventive Psychiatry (George Christodoulou, Basil Alevizos, Helen Gretsa) is open to ideas and suggestions from you.
With best regards,
George Christodoulou